March 24, 2012

A New Look and a New Beginning!

Welcome to the spiffy new C2Kstudios Blog! I am right now just a couple of hours off soft-launching the 3rd edition of, followed by a day or two of field testing before the official roll-out, either Monday or Tuesday. I was originally aiming for March 20, the vernal equinox this year; but I hit a couple of snags and so ended up a few days late. Oh well. Not like I'm getting paid for this!

First, my old host, 0000free, called it quits. So that was a couple days worth of frantic re-deployment. It actually went a lot more smoothly than I was expecting, though, so it all worked out OK. And I think I probably could and should have gone with these guys in the first place, but anyway, hats off to my new host,!

Then, circumstances decided to arrange themselves in a way that necessitated my needing to seek some part-time employment; and to start a mad push to try and generate some local business. I produced a brochure that I intend to deliver door to door in the neibourhood, and I'm hoping to get a night gig somewhere soon.

And then, Spring came to Ottawa. I mean, the equinox is one thing; but 23C in March is like a magnet that pulls you away from anything that isn't outside. Especially with the kids; forget it. I though she was going to want to nap out there under a tree.

Well; gotta get back to it...see you in a few hours!

We're all excited about the new!

March 13, 2012

New Site Coming Soon!

So I've been busy busy, plugging away at the new edition of I just finished the main template. I've decided to forgo the major seasonal changes. Version 3 will be around for a while...version 3.0...who knows. 3.1 will most likely be a Christmas edition at this point. The new edition should be up soon; I wanted to have it done for the 1st of Spring but I don't think I'm going to make it...perhaps I should stop blogging and start coding!

March 03, 2012

Crisis Averted

So I guess I was being a little dramatic there actually took me less than 24hrs to find a new free host and get the site back up again...C2Kstudios has now made it's new home at The family site and the Beta Studio will be up and running in the next couple of days...I can only add one site to my account a day, which makes sense, otherwise all those spammers that ruined the domain for the rest of us would be choking their servers as they all start jumping ship from 0000free like I did. I hope I don't have to go through this again any time soon!

March 02, 2012

A Sad Day

Well, it looks like 0000free is done...shouldn't have opened my big mouth!! Things seem to be conspiring against me lately. I suppose my next first priority is to find myself another host. Stay tuned for that... :'(

March 01, 2012

The Ninja Princess Template

The 2012 edition of my family website just went live yesterday (missed Leap Day for this post!). I did it up in HTML5...and I'm so impressed with the results that I've decided to switch the main site over as well. Look for it this Spring! I'm going to start pumping out the HTML5 templates soon, too.

In the meantime, here is the very first Web Studio demo video, of the HTML5 template I affectionately call: