So I have this idea about a new marketing strategy that entails me pumping out these HTML5 templates. I'm wondering how it will play if I advertise them as hand-made (they're all hand-coded now, no Wordpress or other builder software used), uniquely tailored sites that are almost like works of plan is to make really basic ones available through sites like Fiverr and then offer more elaborate ones on I'm also going to look into sites like Odesk; I can also offer extra services like hosting, PHP security and basic SEO setup - making sure that the meta tags are up to par. Building quality backlinks is a lot of legwork - that's how SEO companies make their money, is through their networks and affiliates - you're basically paying for access to already well-established lists of sites. Building backlinks is not what I want to be spending my time doing. I think I might know someone with access to that kind of could prove to be a great partnership if that's the case. I need to ask a few more pointed questions, though.
Right now I'm working on a rebuild of my family history website, and once that's done I'll be able to throw all my effort into getting some templates up and putting the word out. I've got years of inspiration to fall back on, as I intend to go back and rebuild some of the old ASAW sites into templates, too.
I intend on updating the main site alongside as well to emphasize the hand-coded aspect. You're not going to get something that looks like another Wordpress blog. Keeping in mind that I am completely self-taught - as I get more and more fluent with the code the designs are flowing easier.